Matthew Hightshoe
Production DesignerMatthew Hightshoe
recently graduated from Indiana University where he majored in Fine Arts, concentrating in
drawing and painting.
He also studied production design for opera at IU's School of Music, where he was able
to propose several set designs for numerous productions.
Mr. Hightshoe discovered a fascination with buildings and architecture at an early age.
Before he graduated from high school, he had participated in the Young American
House Project for three consecutive years. He earned the second-place trophy in each
of the contests, which were sponsored by the Construction Trades Foundation.
DarWest is his first major project in cinematic production design.
JR Smith
Conceptual Designer
Julie Fischoff
Costume Designer
Julie Fischoff received a degree in Costume Construction Technology at Indiana
University, where she designed wardrobes for the theatrical productions of Picasso at
the Lapin Agile (1998) and Lilly Lee's Science Fair Project (1997).
In 1998 she also assisted in ghoulish costume design for the Bloomington Playwrights
Project's production of Hey! Vampires! as well as the John Waldron Arts Center's
production of Dracula.
In addition to her design work, Ms Fischoff has also benefitted from two years'
experience at IU's Opera/Ballet Costume Shop and five months of volunteer work for the
Elizabeth Sage Historic Costume Collection.
She was recently chosen to participate in the Theatre Development Fund Costume
Collection's 1999 Summer Intern Program in New York City, an eight-week seminar which
includes tours of professional venues and meetings with costume designers of several
Broadway shows.
DarWest marks her first effort in cinematic costume design.
Jeremy Harris
illustration layout
Eva Glackman
illustration layout
Amber Reynolds
illustration layout
Caley Lents
additional design work